September 8, 2022
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) is a network of Christian Leaders representing over sixty million Americans who are united in their support for Israel. We write today because we are gravely concerned that your Administration is moving towards an agreement that will allow Iran to remain a nuclear-threshold state, constituting a global threat on a massive scale.
As such, we respectfully request that, in the international talks regarding Iran’s nuclear program, you do not negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran that endangers Israel, placing it directly in harm’s way. We specifically ask you not to relieve sanctions on Iran that will enable them to escalate nuclear production or provide funding for global terrorism.
This is not a partisan issue, nor is it only a Jewish or Israeli issue; it is an American issue. Millions of Americans are represented by ACLI, and millions of grassroots Americans are opposed to the current nuclear deal being negotiated with Iran – a nation bent on the annihilation of Israel.
Put very succinctly, we ask you to ensure that the following three principles are nonnegotiable:
- No sunset clause on restrictions to Iran’s nuclear enrichment.
- No sanctions relief for any Iranian individuals, organizations, military units, or financial institutions complicit in international terrorism or any level of nuclear enrichment.
- No exceptions to sanctions on Russian agreements to build nuclear plants in Iran.
We believe these principles provide a sound policy for the protection of our interests in the Middle East region as well as in the United States.
Thank you for your consideration, Mr. President. Our continued prayers are with you as you lead our great nation.
Most respectfully,
cc: The Honorable, Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
The Honorable, Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader