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April 2024 Letter to President Biden on the Israel-Hamas War

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) is a network of Christian leaders representing over 60 million Americans’ deeply held views on Israel. We are writing today to first thank you for the support you expressed for Israel in the wake of the unprecedented attack on the nation and people of Israel by the terrorist militia Hamas.

Now, unfortunately, your administration seems to have reversed course and is abandoning Israel and holding it to a standard during war that is impossible to meet. The more you distance yourself from Israel, the more Israel and America’s mutual enemies are emboldened. We are very concerned about the following actions by your administration:

Failing to recognize the military, political, and legal environment in which Israel now finds itself after October 7, that is a state of total war: On October 7, 2024, trained terror groups and allied Gaza residents, numbering in the thousands, invaded Israel, engaging in a campaign of extermination against every Jewish person they encountered. this invasion was one of murder, torture, rape, sadistic wounding, terrorism, dead body desecration, and mutilation, kidnapping, and enslavement. We know of no Jew who encountered these demonic invaders and was treated appropriately as an innocent civilian and protected accordingly. As such, Israel is fully justified in conducting this war with all necessary force.

Holding Israel responsible for civilian casualties and drawing moral equivalency between Hamas and Israel: Forced to operate in one of the most complex urban warfare environments in history, Israel has worked extensively to prevent the loss of civilian life. Before entering Gaza, Israel warned civilians of the impending attack and advised them of where they could go for safety. Hamas ordered them not to go, making them human shields.

Accusing Israel of intentionally blocking humanitarian aid to Gazans: Getting humanitarian assistance to Gazans was a challenge long before the current war because Hamas redirected international aid to build rockets and military infrastructure. They are now commandeering aid for their own survival at the expense of the people. Israel continues to prioritize the protection of civilians, the delivery of humanitarian assistance, and the protection of aid workers. After the tragic deaths of seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, the IDF acted swiftly to investigate, held those responsible accountable, and instituted new measures to increase the protection of humanitarian workers. Israel values life.

Abandoning Israel in the UN Security Council, demanding a cease-fire, and condemning the planned incursion into Rafah: The UN Security Council demanded a cease-fire through Ramadan with no condition for Hamas to release the remaining hostages, which includes six Americans. The U.S. and Israel both agree that Hamas must be eliminated, but without taking down the remaining Hamas infrastructure in Rafah, that will not happen. While we are grateful for the recent transfer of munitions to Israel, we are dismayed by the implied threats that future security assistance may be conditional upon agreeing to a cease-fire or renewed negotiations for a Palestinian state.

Attempting to force negotiations for a Palestinian state: Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005, uprooting 21 Jewish communities. Hamas then turned Gaza into the world’s most extensive terrorist base. Its charter states that its goal is to rid what it considers to be Islamic land of all Jews – not build a thriving nation living side by side with Israel. According to polls, 85% of Palestinians support Hamas and the October 7 attack. the leadership of the Palestinian Authority is corrupt and does not have the support of its people. This is not a society ready for statehood.

Waiving sanctions on Iran: Iran is funding Hamas and Hezbollah and threatening to destroy Israel. Allowing Iran access to billions of dollars undermines Israel and places the region at greater risk. Whether in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, or Iran itself, the threats to Israel by Iran and its proxies are also threats to regional stability and the security of the United States.

Endorsing Senator Schumer’s comments on the Senate Floor: Senator Schumer openly called for regime change in Israel. It is unprecedented that a U.S. official would call for regime change in the democratically elected government of one of its closest allies. No Israeli official would ever direct such a statement toward a U.S. president.

Mr. President, terrorist cells around the world, including in the United States, are watching to see how we respond to Hamas’s brutal assault on Israel. If Israel is abandoned and Hamas’s attack rewarded it will endanger the safety of the United States and Israel. We urgently ask you to:

  • Demand that Hamas surrender and immediately release all the hostages.
  • Unequivocally support Israel’s effort to completely defeat and eliminate Hamas.
  • Reinstate all sanctions against Iran.

By taking these simple steps, the United States can show its support for our longstanding ally, Israel, and signal strength to America’s enemies.

We commit our prayers to you, your family, and your administration as we are called to do so in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (ESV): “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our savior.”

Most respectfully,

American Christian Leaders for Israel

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