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Evangelical leaders pray for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (third from left) in Washington, DC.

During his state visit to Washington, DC to meet with US President Donald Trump in March, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro also met with a group of prominent evangelical Christian leaders, including ICEJ USA National Director Susan Michael. At the CBN-sponsored event, Bolsonaro shared his vision for Brazil and received prayer and commitments of support from the religious leaders in attendance.

Bolsonaro told the evangelical gathering that he has experienced two major miracles. First, he is alive after an assassination attempt during his campaign, and second, he won the election. He now seeks to move Brazil in a new direction, away from its prior leftist leanings. Some of his main goals include protecting the lives of the unborn, reversing socialism’s toll on Brazil, and strengthening his nation’s ties with Israel. He is looking to God for wisdom and direction in the face of great opposition.

Susan Michael introduced the work of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) to President Bolsonaro and encouraged him in his decision to move the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem. He explained that his decision to do so was firm, but he was working to do it in the best way and timing possible to minimize any economic repercussions. Concerned Women for America President Penny Nancy and author Joel Rosenberg also encouraged the President regarding his commitment to move the embassy.

When Bolsonaro—a self-identified Roman Catholic—visited Israel, he was rebaptized in the Jordan River. While there, he noted how much the small nation prospered despite its few resources and how Brazil struggles economically despite having great resources. He considers Israel to be a role model for his country.

Dr. Pat Robertson, the founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, closed the meeting by praying for the president to be anointed by the Holy Spirit, protected, and strengthened for years to come.

Just a few days later, Honduran President Orlando Hernandez was in Washington, DC for meetings with the US administration and took the opportunity to meet with some 20 key Jewish and Christian leaders. The meeting, hosted by the Latino Coalition for Israel, was to applaud his decision to immediately open a diplomatic office in Jerusalem and learn more about Honduras’ overall plan to move its Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Israel’s capital city.

Mario Bramnick, President of Latino Coalition for Israel, stated that “we were very honored to host President Hernandez at this meeting, to show our great appreciation for his strong support for Israel and for the further practical steps President Hernandez will soon take in the course of officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

Susan Michael was able to describe the history and work of the ICEJ to President Hernandez and telling him that the organization looks forward to welcoming the Honduran Embassy to Jerusalem.

Honduran President Orlando Hernandez with Christian and Jewish leaders.

Honduran President Orlando Hernandez with Christian and Jewish leaders.

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