About ACLI
Letter from Our Director
Dear Christian Leader,
In 2025, ACLI is celebrating its 10th anniversary! What started as a modest gathering of 12 Christian leaders over lunch in 2015 has blossomed into a thriving community of approximately 3,000 influential leaders. These individuals, representing tens of millions of American Christians, have actively participated in our diverse initiatives. Together, we have provided a strong, unified voice advocating biblical truth to the American public, steadfastly supporting Israel and the Jewish people. As we embrace this landmark year, we have ambitious plans to amplify ACLI’s visibility and amplify our impact. Please join us as we strive to build upon our momentum, continuing to ardently support Israel and the Jewish community.

Dr. Susan Michael
Director, ICEJ USA and ACLI
Meet Our Advisory Board

On behalf of the tens of millions of American Christians we collectively represent, the members of ACLI seek to provide a unified voice of truth to the American public in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
Statement of Principles
We the members of this coalition attest to our steadfast commitment to the State of Israel and the Jewish people in the face of demonization, hostile threats, and overt acts of violence perpetrated by its enemies. We commit to doing everything in our power to shed light on these crimes and to spread the truth about Israel in America and beyond.
The members of our coalition stand with Israel for diverse reasons:
We believe that it is vital for America to maintain a strong friendship with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, a country that advances our national interests and shares our values of freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and human rights.
We hold a deep love for the land and people of Israel after having experienced the country firsthand. Many millions of Christians have visited Israel and its holy sites and felt their Bible come alive in profoundly transformative ways.
We feel great sorrow about the tragic history of Jewish-Christian relations—a history that has been plagued by antisemitism perpetuated by confessing Christians—and seek to establish a new relationship with the Jewish people based on mutual respect. We condemn the demonization of the Jewish people and delegitimization of the Jewish state as nothing more than modern twists on classical antisemitism.
We appreciate Israel’s spirit of humanity and justice toward those who are weak. While ethnic and religious minorities face intense persecution across the Middle East, Israel provides a safe haven for the region’s only thriving Christian community. We are grateful to Israel for protecting our brothers and sisters and providing them an atmosphere of peace and security as full citizens in the Jewish state.
We value Israel’s many contributions to mankind. Whether in medicine, science, technology, or the arts, Israel continues to break new ground and make the world a better place for everyone.
We rejoice that God in His Providence has restored the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and pray for God’s protection over them and over all people of goodwill who seek to live in peace alongside them. In obedience to Psalm 122:6, we commit to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and, like the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem in Isaiah 62:6–7, we pray with great fervor and persistence until all of God’s promises to the Jewish people are fulfilled.
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ACLI is a project of the USA Branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.