Advisory Board
ACLI Honorary Board of Advisors
Dr. Susan Michael
President, ICEJ USA
Director, ACLI
Michele Bachmann
Dean, Robertson School of Government
Regent University
Bishop Robert Stearns
Eagles Wings Ministries
Joel Rosenberg
Founder and President
All Israel News
Kathy Branzell
National Day of Prayer
Jane Hansen Hoyt
President and CEO
Aglow International
Johnnie Moore
President, JDA Worldwide
Congress of Christian Leaders
Patrick Verbeten
National Director
Bridges For Peace
Dave Kubal
President and CEO
Intercessors for America
Andrea Lafferty
CEO, Thrive America Foundation
Founder and Chair, Christian Inaugural Gala
Tricia Miller
CAMERA Partnership of Christians & Jews
Pastor Victor Styrsky
Former CUFI National Educational
Outreach Director
Gary Bauer
American Values
Samuel Rodriguez
President and CEO, NHCLC
Lead Pastor, New Season
Dr. Linda Smith
Executive Vice President
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB)
Erick Stakelbeck
Host and Correspondent
Trinity Broadcasting Networks (TBN)
Chad Connelly
President and Founder
Faith Wins
Penny Nance
CEO and President
Concerned Women for America (CWA)
Mat Staver
Founder & Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Founder & Chairman, Covenant Journey
Tom Newman
Senior Advisor to the Chairman
Trinity Broadcast Networks (TBN)
Amy Zewe
Media Analyst
CAMERA Partnership of Christians & Jews
Laurie Cardoza-Moore
President and Producer
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
Cary Summers
Founder and President
The Nehemiah Group
Pastor Jerry Dirmann
Senior Pastor, The Rock Anaheim
Founder, Solid Lives Matter
Troy Miller
President and CEO
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB)
Janet Parshall
Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host
In The Market with Janet Parshall
Dr. Jim Showers
President and CEO
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Juan Rivera
Executive Director, Hispanic Israel Leadership
Coalition (HILC) of the NHCLC
Carlos Duran
National Hispanic Pastors Alliance (NHPA)
Ken Barun
Special Assistant to the President
Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc.
Mark Dreistadt
President and CEO
Infinity Concepts
Steve Conover
Executive Director
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Shelley Neese
The Jerusalem Connection
Mark Tooley
Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD
Mark Pritchett
Project Administrator
American Christian Trust
Phil Cooke
Founder and President
Cooke Media Group
Gordon Robertson
President and CEO
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Stephen Strang
Publisher and CEO
Charisma Media
Dr. James C. Dobson
Founder and Chairman
Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
Stephen Faircloth
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Jim Garlow
Founder and CEO
Well Versed
Rev. Rosemary Schindler Garlow
Well Versed
Becky Keenan
Founder and President
One with Israel
Mathew Potter
Herman Matir
Asian Action Network
Jordanna McMillan
U.S. Director
Israel Allies Foundation
Jason Rapert
Founder & President
National Assoc. of Christian Lawmakers
Eve Nunez
Founder and CEO
Help4Kidz and Prayer House DC
Virginia Prodan
President and CEO
Virginia Prodan Ministries
Quotes and Endorsements

Dr. Linda Smith, Executive Vice President of National Religious Broadcasters
ACLI provides a platform for collaborative initiatives in support of Israel and against the growing antisemitism threatening the well-being of the Jewish people in our nation. This collective voice allows Christian leaders to have a much greater impact than they would have on their own.

Gary Bauer, President, American Values
At a time when antisemitism is on the rise in the United States and around the world, the significance of ACLI is even more critical than ever before to help educate Christians on how to respond to this growing threat and ensure that our nation’s leaders are acutely aware of this evil.

Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Evangelical Christians have the political and moral influence to stand strong against the surge of antisemitism we are seeing today. ACLI is critical in uniting our voices for greater impact in support of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
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