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Iran Statement

This petition was delivered on September 3rd, 2015, to the White House as well as Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell; Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid; Speaker of the House, John Boehner; and House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi. Read more


Petition Statement

The greatest threat facing both Israel and America today is Iran’s radical regime that repeatedly and publicly vows to “wipe Israel off the map” and then attack America.

President Obama is negotiating with Iran and reports indicate the United States and its partners are willing to make significant and worrisome concessions for the sake of a deal.

Join us as we take a stand for the safety of America and Israel.

TO: President Barack Obama

CC: The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
The Honorable Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader
The Honorable John A. Boehner, Speaker of the House
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

Dear Mr. President,

We are Christian leaders collectively representing tens of millions of Americans who are gravely concerned that your Administration is moving towards a deal that would allow Iran to remain a nuclear-threshold state.

The prospect of an Iranian nuclear weapon is the single greatest threat to America’s national security. We must ensure that the Iranian regime does not have the tools to build a single bomb.

Iran’s leaders have consistently lied about their quest for nuclear weapons. They cannot be trusted.

Iranian leaders have also repeatedly threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.” We should take them at their word, as they seek to acquire nuclear weapons that could be used against the Jewish state.

Already the largest sponsor of terrorism on the planet, Iran’s power and influence will only grow if its nuclear ambitions are not thwarted. A nuclear-armed Iran would mean nuclear-armed terrorists.

If Iran is allowed to become a nuclear-threshold state, others in the Middle East will almost certainly seek the same capability, setting off a nuclear arms race in the world’s most unstable region.

We urge you to pursue a policy based on two principles:

  1. Any deal that your Administration signs with Iran must completely dismantle the regime’s ability to build a bomb.
  2. Any agreement that you sign on Iran’s nuclear program must be ratified by Congress. The consent of Congress will help to ensure that this agreement has the American people’s approval and endures through future administrations.

The prospects of failure are too high to accept anything but a good deal with Iran.

If America’s leaders do not act wisely now, we could wake up tomorrow with the world’s most dangerous regime in possession of the world’s most dangerous weapons.


ACLI Signatures



Susan Michael US Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Roberta Combs President, Christian Coalition of America
Earl Cox President, Israel Always
Gary L. Bauer Executive Board, Christians United for Israel
Rich Bott President, Bott Radio Network
Mario Bramnick President, Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition
Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Dr. James C. Dobson Ph.D. Founder and President, Family Talk
Joseph Farah Editor & CEO, WND.com
Jane Hansen Hoyt President & CEO, Aglow International
Bishop Harry Jackson Intl Communion of Evangelical Churches (ICEC)
Jerry Johnson President & CEO, National Religious Broadcasters
David Kubal President/CEO, Intercessors for America
Andrea Lafferty President, Traditional Values Coalition
Michael Little President and COO, The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Penny Nance CEO, Concerned Women for America
Dr. Paul Nyquist President, Moody Bible Institute
Janet Parshall Host, In the Market with Janet Parshall
Tony Perkins President, Family Research Council
Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez President NHCLC, CONELA
Lou Sheldon Chairman and Founder, Traditional Values Coalition
Linda W. Smith EVP/COO, National Religious Broadcasters
Steve Strang Founder & CEO, Charisma Media
Mark Tooley President, Institute on Religion and Democracy
View the entire list of signers (pdf)

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